The Washington Post Logo — The Washington Post is the largest and oldest newspaper in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States. He won world fame in the early 70s for his investigation into the Watergate, led by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who played an important role in the downfall of Richard Nixon as president. It is generally considered one of the best American newspapers, along with the New York Times, known for its overall reporting and international coverage, and the Wall Street Journal, famous for its financial reporting. The Post has stood out for his coverage of the White House, the Congress, and other aspects of American government.

the washington post logo

the washington post logo

Moreover, unlike the Times and the Journal, the Post sees himself as a strictly regional newspaper, and printed a national edition for distribution beyond the East Coast of the United States. Most of your readers are the District of Columbia, along with the wealthy suburbs of Maryland and Virginia.

For September of 2004, its average daily circulation was 707,690 and Sunday circulation was 1,077,487, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, making it the fifth largest newspaper in the country by circulation, behind the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. While its circulation (like that of all the newspapers) has been in slow decline, has rates higher market penetration of all metropolitan newspapers.

the washington post

the washington post

washington post logo

washington post logo